The Fandom Post

Anime, Movies, Comics, Entertainment & More

30 Day Star Trek Challenge Day 22: The Worldbuilding and Aesthetics

1 min read

With some big anniversaries over the last few years for Star Trek, the month of May is all about the property. It has a long and rich history across pretty much every kind of media and has legions of fans that can engage in these different areas, often without much crossover as well.

Today, we want to dig into some of the things that define fans of the property by talking about the way the world of Star Trek has grown and changed over the years with its look and worldbuilding. What’s been your favorite new thing that each series has added to it? Which have been the best and worst of things like the sets, the larger thematic design, and things of that nature?

Bonus question: What’s your preferred uniform and which one do you hate the most?

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