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Fifth ‘Space Brothers’ Collection Begins Run On The Anime Network

2 min read

Space Brothers Collection 5 HeaderSentai Filmworks is set to bring out the fifth Space Brothers collection on DVD and Blu-ray at the end of October, but The Anime Network is getting ahead of that by bringing out those episodes today for streaming. The service is now adding episodes fifty-two through sixty-four of the series that shows the main characters struggling with a lot of very difficult situations and challenges. There’s only a few more collections left of the series before it hits its end, and our hope for the theatrical movie to be licensed as well. Space Brothers continues to be one of the best series we’ve seen this decade and cannot recommend it enough.

Plot concept: The brutal survival ordeal isn’t over yet, and the strain of non-stop training is taking its toll on Mutta’s health. Struck down by a fever, he has to summon all of his reserves just to keep walking. And that’s before the revelation of an unexpected new challenge: the competing teams must create a rover vehicle of their own design in just two weeks! With an assigned consultant who’s less than helpful, and who may have a conflict of interest centered around the systems being used for Hibito’s return to Earth, Mutta’s own experience with engineering may be the deciding factor.

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