The Fandom Post

Anime, Movies, Comics, Entertainment & More

Subscription Level Access To The Fandom Post

2 min read

SubscribeOne of the things that members have asked over the years that we implemented is a way for people who want to support the site (and believe me, support is needed!) but feel left out because the ads don’t apply to them, or interest them for a variety of reasons. Click through the ads is important as is using things like our Amazon and Right Stuf links as advertising is what keeps the servers running. What we’ve came up with is a way that people can support us in a couple of different ways and still get something out of it in addition to the good feeling.

Registered users can subscribe to the site in either a monthly format or a yearly format via the forums. What subscribing will do is a number of things:

  1. Subscribers will be able to enter contests that are designed just for them and the first few will include some high quality Japanese figures
  2. Subscribers will see no ads while they use the forums (the news/reviews side is a different piece of software that can’t be synced for that unfortunately)
  3. Within the forums, subscribers will have several perks:
    1. Custom user title while subscribed that you can change yourself
    2. Added tagging abilities on threads
    3. Unlimited message storage
    4. Expanded profile picture and avatar sizes
    5. Limited image use in signatures
    6. Expanded album permissions
    7. Customized blog style
    8. Additional blog features/commenting tools
And we’ll be adding more over time as well. We’ve had some discussions about the things that can be added here, so bring your voice to the table as well with what you’d want to see. We’ve got a few different levels that people can participate in with yearly, monthly and one-time subscriptions if you want to participate in just one particular contest during a given month.

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