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Magu-Chan: God of Destruction Chapter #10 Manga Review

2 min read
Napataaku is finally becoming a more enjoyable character.

“Naputaaku’s Counterattack”

Creative Staff:
Story: Kei Kamiki
Translation: Christine Dashiell
Lettering: Erika Terriquez 

What They Say:
The God of Destruction Magu Menueku has been summoned by the Chaos Cult. Humanity’s last hope is the honorable Holy Knights! The battle to save mankind…took place hundreds of years ago… But now a girl out in the country named Ruru releases the legendary god of destruction who had been trapped in a magical jewel! Will the natto-eating, destruction beam-blasting Magu-chan fill the world with complete chaos? This heart-warming, destructive comedy series is ready to explode onto the scene!

Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
Ren still has Magu-chan’s Book of the Destruction Disciples’ Blood Oaths otherwise known as the BFF book. He has to get other people to sign it and ask his sister to sign it. She agrees to sign it if he can get Ruru and Magu to come to the restaurant. There happens to be a lower god, Naputaaku peeking into their window and plotting his next foolish move.  

Rin signs the BFF book and treats Ruru and Magu-chan to a meal. It’s weird to see Magu-chan eating a mini tofu burger but it makes sense considering how he treated other unhealthy foods that he has eaten. The mini tofu meal is one of the few foods that he enjoys eating. Rin turns Magu-chan into a proper human as she forbids him to use his tentacles to eat and use a knife and fork just like everyone else. In the process, Magu-chan cuts off part of his tentacle but it’s no big deal to him.   

Magu-chan isn’t satisfied with his meal. He follows crumbs of vegetables to a trash can. There is another being who is experienced with trash cans and scavenging for food. Naputaaku uses his experience and manages to trap Magu-chan. Naputaaku is actually learning from his past mistakes and takes Magu-chan power into account when setting up this trap. Magu-chan uses the tentacle that he had cut off earlier and transforms it into a chibi Magu-chan. Chibi Magu-chan engages in the most difficult of journeys as he travels across a kitchen in order to save his regular body.   

In Summary:
Napataaku is finally becoming a more enjoyable character. He still has aspects that make him easy to hate. Under Rin’s guidage, he is bound to grow into a more devilish god of chaos. I want to see a chapter where Rin takes center stage and unleashes her unholy ideals upon the world. She has been in the background so far unleashing her chaos. Naputaaku and Magu-chan’s battle in this chapter is the best so far in this series. It’s one that pushes both characters to think of unconventional methods in order to defeat their opponent.   

Content Grade: B
Art Grade: A

Age Rating: Teen
Released By: Shonen Jump
Release Date: September 6, 2020 

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