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Ascendance of a Bookworm Episodes #18 Anime Review

4 min read
Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse for our ever cheerful and forthright heroine!
© Miya Kazuki, TO Books / Ascendance of a Bookworm Production Committee

“Chapter Eighteen – Orphanage Reforms”

What They Say:

Avid bookworm and college student Motosu Urano ends up dying in an unforeseen accident. This came right after the news that she would finally be able to work as a librarian like she had always dreamed of. When she regains consciousness. She was reborn as Myne, the daughter of a poor soldier. She was in the town of Ehrenfest, which has a harsh class system. But as long as she had books, she really didn’t need anything else. However, books were scarce and belonged only to the nobles. But that doesn’t stop her, so she makes a decision … “If there aren’t any books, I’ll just create some.”

Content (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):

As her meeting with Benno ends, Fran begins taking the alms of the gods to the orphanage, as is normal practice, however, Gil comes in with a basket of bread to add to the contributions, only to find he is too late. Not wanting to waste the food, the strong-willed boy decides to take it himself with Myne asking if she too can see the facilities. Her retainer explains all such offerings are brought through the girls’ dormitories, but his mistress is surprised to see the imposing wooden doors have been barred from the outside, with Gil barely able to lift the stern barricade by himself. However, once the portal is opened, Myne is immediately assaulted by the foul-smelling stench emanating from within the dingy interior that is barely visible, and yet she can still see the absolute minimum of furnishings with no one apparently inhabiting these retched confines. It is only after her assistant places the basket upon the cold stone floor and calls out does Urano finally witness the horror hidden within: several malnourished children scamper forth, ravenous for the modicum of food they have brought. With sunken cheeks and lifeless eyes they quickly grab the rolls and begin to voraciously wolf down the dry bread, and it is only then does Myne see one girl has not stirred, her still form sprawled on the barren ground. But as one crawls forward to thank this generous blue-robed priestess, she is terrified to see her accumulated condition up close, causing the sickly child to suddenly collapse.

Myne wakes up to find she has been returned to her quarters within the orphanage director’s office, with Gill and Delia boisterously arguing about the mistake to take their mistress to such a distressing place, all as Fran tries to calm both sides down. As she finally stirs, the former problem child rushes over and immediately apologizes for his error, asking his superior if she can do anything for these unfortunate children. But as she asks the red-headed girl what she wants done, all she can answer is not wishing to remember that miserable excuse for a home, and rushes out of the room. With her mind now set, Urano asks her elder retainer to set a meeting with the Head Priest to discuss the situation, but is immediately taken aback by his cold answer – there is nothing to be done. While Ferdinand acknowledges the facilities are unsuitable, he admits as long as they can produce at least a few grey-robed priests to serve the nobles, that is all that matters. The others assembled within the room look on with barren stares, with the turquoise haired man stating ever since the female attendants and orphanage director were dismissed, no one has looked after the children and it is not their responsibility. Therefore if Myne wishes to do about the sickening room, then she must take full accountability for everything, and if she cannot, then is it better to do nothing and leave things as they are for now.

In Summary:

Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse for our ever cheerful and forthright heroine, the show surprises us with a disgusting secret which the church has hidden – their so called care for the orphans. To think these supposedly benevolent priests would abandon those they have taken in to literally care for themselves is appalling, with their outward appearance hiding this grave injustice as they vaunt how they care for everyone. Of course, Myne could not leave such a crime go unnoticed and it only builds upon her generous nature, all while showing how she will change the world, even if those with more power vehemently oppose this interfering and challenging child.

Grade: A+

Streamed By: Crunchyroll

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