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Vinland Saga Episode #21 Anime Review

4 min read
A warrior’s death.
Vinland Saga Episode #21

A warrior’s death.

What They Say:
Episode 21. “Reunion”
Canute’s party arrives in York to attend the Imperial Council. Although Canute had wanted to strike out against King Sweyn, the King was being guarded by the most powerful Jomsviking unit in the Northern Sea while keeping a close eye on Canute. With the situation strained to the breaking point, Askeladd comes up with a plan. Meanwhile, Thorfinn is reunited with a person who knew his former self.

The Review
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)

This episode marks a return to lovely scenery and true pathos as Canute and his entourage arrive in York. The city bustles in the dead of winter, and as the group sails in a commotion breaks out. A bolt is fired and strikes the prince in the chest. Cries of assassin ring out. Yet the bolt hit a body double and Canute is unharmed, even so, the rumors begin to swirl that someone wants Canute dead on the King’s doorstep.

Thorfinn does his job as a spy and right-hand man, taking the life of the assassin. By chance, this occurs right in front of Leif, who finally caught up to the boy he lost so many years ago. The reunion doesn’t go the way the man expected it to though. Thorfinn is a changed boy and while Leif tells him of home and begs him to return with him, rage consumes Thorfinn. He wants Askeladd’s head, and nothing is going to stop him. Leif can’t convince him to give up the quest for revenge, he can only tell the boy that he’ll remain in York to wait for him.

Politics are played in dark rooms with trusted individuals. Trusted except for egghead’s brother, who is sneaking information to the King. Askeladd lets the man squeal, using him to feed incomplete information. They have to force King Sweyn into a tight spot where he can’t make an open move of hostility toward his son.

Askeladd visits Bjorn, who rests in relative luxury in private quarters. Bjorn scoffs at Thorfinn’s desire for revenge. He bares Atli no ill-will for his attack. They were soldiers, and that was the battlefield. The infection from his festering wound is slowly killing him, and a gentlemen’s agreement is made. Before Thorfinn can request a duel once again, Askeladd gives Bjorn the warrior’s death the man wanted and deserved. It’s a touching scene, as Bjorn true final request is granted. I wonder if Askeladd was sincere in telling the man that he was his one true friend. It certainly appeared that way.

With tensions high and more on the line than ever, Askeladd turns to the waiting Thorfinn to test the boy once again. Thorfinn seems to feel that time is short to get what he wants.

The series director recently said there would be some deviations from the manga as they close out this season. One reason for that is he wants to make sure the ending is satisfying for viewers in case there is no second season. (Sales and interest are flat in Japan, which is very disappointing. Here’s hoping Amazon sees value in continuing the story.) Some of the events in this episode are rearranged from the manga, but everything plays out basically the same. The reordering of events is well-executed, setting up the tense rematch for the start of the next episode.

In Summary:

This episode is a return to excellence for the series. Navigating the murky political waters of York is a challenge the young prince must pass to gain support and stay alive. Canute and Askeladd have to put pressure on the king so that he is forced to give them what they want. It is a subtle, all-out attack on the king, and their lives are on the line. One wrong step and they will fail. Thorfinn remains a key asset in this contest of wills, but his mind isn’t thinking about the future. He is hellbent on revenge and even the momentary surprise of seeing Leif again isn’t enough to make him suddenly forget the last ten years. 

Episode Grade: A –

Streamed by: Amazon

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