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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai Episode #10 Streaming Anime Review

4 min read
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai Episode10

The true nature of the dispute between the sisters and the problems with their lives come into full view with the conclusion of Nodoka’s arc.

What They Say:
Episode 10: “Complex Congratulations ”

Unable to deal with a commercial filming well as the actress Mai Sakurajima, Nodoka gradually starts to feel a strong sense of inferiority. As their body-swapped lives continues on, the day arrives where Mai must perform in Nodoka’s pop idol group “Sweet Bullet”. Sakuta and Nodoka attend the concert as they were given tickets…

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
The relationship between the half-sisters Mai and Nodoka is a very complex one. Mai has been extremely successful, is quite famous, and is utterly capable of almost anything required of a showbiz performer. We can see that on display in this episode when Mai (still appearing as Nodoka) has to perform on stage as part of Sweet Bullet, the pop idol group that Nodoka is part of. When the center of the group screws up during the performance, Mai-Nodoka jumps in and saves the performance. It is a bravura display of her utter professionalism and competence.

It is also at the heart of what drives Nodoka’s love-hate relationship with her older sister. Nodoka can do nothing but stand in awe of Mai’s abilities. Had the real Nodoka been on stage, it is unlikely that she would have been able to adlib the way Mai did. While Nodoka is cute and may have some talent, she pales in the shadow of her sister. The point is driven even deeper into her heart by the actions of her own mother (Nodoka’s mother), who attends the gig and weeps upon hearing that Nodoka has been chosen to be the featured singer of the group’s upcoming new single.

Sisters, through and through

The real Nodoka simply cannot compete. This leads to a slightly overdramatic suicide attempt that was more likely a cry for help than a serious attempt to off herself. Had she really been serious, I doubt she would have done so with Sakuta accompanying her. Sakuta manages to talk (claw) her back from the edge (the ocean, actually) by telling her that Mai, whom Nodoka thinks hates her, actually feels the complete opposite. When asked to prove it, he does by sharing Mai’s secret with her. Back in her (Mai’s) apartment is a hidden treasure that she (real Mai) asked Sakuta not to look at. What was it? A stash of letters, fan letters from Nodoka to Mai. While Mai may have some resentments towards her little sister (they are not fully fleshed out, but we can assume they’re centered on Nodoka’s mother’s role in breaking apart Mai’s mother and father), she has never truly hated her.

If the letters are not enough, the real Mai appears to prove it. We end this arc with the sisters having a truth cathartic moment, which also results in the two of them returning to their real appearances. Nodoka’s inferiority complex vis-à-vis Mai seems to have been settled. Only now, at the end, do we get the chuuni bull physics explanation…which we’ll ignore.

Head pats can cure hikikomori-ism…apparently

It must be time to set up the next plot arc. That is made clear by Kaede, Sakuta’s little sister with serious social anxiety, showing some signs of recovering at the same time that Sakuta’s father decides to check in on the children he has effectively abandoned (though before we pass harsh judgment, it appears that their mother was also strongly affected by what happened to Kaede). Parent-child relationships have been a difficult matter in much of this show so far. Looks like we’re going for a deep dive into Sakuta’s family next.

Perhaps a little weepy in that final catharsis, but this was a rather enjoyable episode. Nodoka comes out as more a sympathetic than annoying figure, while the strength of Mai and Sakuta’s relationship continues to shine. That we might see some happiness return for Kaede is a pleasant thought.

In Summary:
The strange transformation of the sisters comes to an end as Nodoka and Mai do a thorough airing of grievances, resulting in Nodoka coming to terms with her jealousy of Mai. The body swap (it’s not really a body-swap per se, but close enough) comes to an end and they are back to normal. Now Sakuta can be lovey-dovey with Mai…or can he? A bit too melodramatic in parts, but it doesn’t take away from how interesting these characters have become.

Grade: A-

Streamed By: Crunchyroll (also at Hulu and FunimationNow)

Review Equipment:
Apple iMac with 12GB RAM, Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra

Rising stars?

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