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Kaiju Girls Episode #02 Anime Review

2 min read

kaiju-girls-episode-2The basics of being a Kaiju Girl!

What They Say:
Humanity’s battle of many years with the kaiju, giant monsters, has finally come to an end. Now that Earth has entered an age of peace, girls with the souls of kaiju have begun to appear, giving them the ability to transform into kaiju. They are known as the Kaiju Girls, and this is the powerful, transient, beautiful, and at times easygoing story of the strange fate these girls bear.

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
Kaiju Girls gave us a fairly familiar kind of setup the first time around in order to bring to life girls as monsters. It’s actually done in a creative way overall even if the end execution is what’s familiar. The spirit of the giant monsters in girls that learn how to use their powers through the SoulRiser tablet is a good mix of the old and new. With Pigmon explaining a lot of things here it goes in that kind of light teaching mode that you’d expect, especially in chibi form. What we do get with this episode that’s fun is a fight sequence between Gomora and Red King that lets the two just go at it. It mixes the cute with the action really well and especially with the monster sounds blended into it that feel totally retro. The show really needs to focus more on these than other areas.

In Summary:
This is the kind of series that would feel totally at home in a lengthier form as a traditional American Saturday morning cartoon with some mild expansions. It’s got a simplicity about it that’s appealing and some fun action sequences that are just goofy as heck, especially with the chibi animation style. It simply makes you smile throughout even though it’s not terribly engaging when it comes to story – which I expect here. I don’t come to this looking for a big story concept but rather some nice trappings and plenty of silliness. So far, Kaiju Girls is delivering just that.

Grade: B-

Streamed By: Crunchyroll