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Fin Punch Episode #09 Review

2 min read

Fin Punch Episode 9What they say:
Beluga and McClane return to the office to get his job back. Turns out there’s a few other McClanes who’ve beat him to it.

The Review:
McClane sets out to enslave humanity so he hobbles back to his old work place where he did things I think. Before he can even step in the door a group of imposters challenge McClane to prove that he is him. In a turn for the poetic McClane and his human look-alikes flail around and breakdance. McClane proves that he is himself in the end and plot twist kid appears to say that she is his daughter. We are given no time to allow this to sink in before the credits roll.

In Summary:     
This is episode is a marked improvement over the previous two finally with the show returning to its roots. Its month old roots. The drama at the end felt cheap and out of left field even for this show though which is really the only negative for this episode. I would say watch this if you are curious if the shows has improved since its aforementioned rut.

Grade: C+

Streamed by: Youtube

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