The Fandom Post

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Fin Punch Episode #03 Review

2 min read

Fin-Punch-Episode-3What they say:
“McClane catches the eye of a beautiful woman at a bar. Unfortunately, her boyfriend isn’t quite as happy to meet him.”

The Review:
The episode starts with McCane and his whale buddy from last episode contemplating how they walk on land or in this case consuming alcohol. A disturbing interspecies relationship between McCane and some random woman begins until her boyfriend, who inexplicably sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger (I apologize if I misspelt that), returns. This is the point where the episode throws what little sanity it had out the window. McCane and whale buddy get into a bar brawl with boyfriend for literally a second before boyfriend murders whale buddy. McCane then kneels beside Archer (I should at least use his real name once). In what I think is intended to be karma, girlfriend then swipes a whine bottle through the air which causes boyfriend’s fleshless skull to appear. A blinding, white light in the shape of Archer envelopes part of the Earth and that’s that I suppose. Also girlfriend probably murdered boyfriend but the show really did not care.

In Summary:
The show is already going off the rails and we are only 3 minutes in at this point. This show is absolutely insane in the best way possible. That cannot be overstated. It really is a shame that the episodes aren’t a touch longer as it seems that parts need more developing. If you enjoyed the first two episodes this one will not disappoint.

Grade: C+

Streamed by: Youtube

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