The Fandom Post

Anime, Movies, Comics, Entertainment & More

New ‘X-Men: First Class’ Character Shots

2 min read

Total Film magazine has managed to score some great shots for a new article on X-Men: First Class and the images have naturally already made their way to the web. The flick is getting more and more exposure bit by bit, since we’re just about six or seven weeks away from it, so the trailers are ramping up, the stars are doing more print magazine pieces and so forth in order to build the buzz on it. Like most magazines doing pieces on this movie, they’re trying to play up the period piece angle, some better than others. Does this set work for you?

Plot summary: X-Men: First Class charts the epic beginning of the X-Men saga, and reveals a secret history of famous global events. Before mutants had revealed themselves to the world, and before Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Not archenemies, they were instead at first the closest of friends, working together with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to prevent nuclear Armageddon. In the process, a grave rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X’s X-Men.

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