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Beelzebub Episode #30 Anime Review

4 min read

Never send a baby to do a man’s job.

What They Say:
Oga and Furuichi go off in search of the rest of the 6 Holy Nights, but meanwhile Shiroyama is being picked on by some of St. Ishiyama’s students, who know he can’t fight back or risk getting expelled. It doesn’t take long for the 6 Holy Knights to call out all of Ishiyama to the roof for a real showdown!

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
With the introduction of the 6 Holy Knights to Oga in the previous episode, he’s taking things fairly seriously and is interested in actually taking them on since it might provide him with a bit of a challenge, but also the potential to get Beel to move on to someone else. That means it’s time for recon as they want to figure out who the other Holy Knights are. There’s a decent trick to it which works fairly well since they all wear their lion pin on the reverse side of their collar while wearing another pin on the outside. So watching from the roof with binoculars allows them to scope out the student body, and in more ways than one which is good to see from the boys as it proves that they are just that, boys.

This does have them getting interested in a few people who might be members, though there are a few things that play out where it’s not what it really seems, though it can be fun. Having one of the girls that they know potentially being one has Oga visualizing her as a master ninja of some sort when it’s so completely against her personality as she’s the bright, bubbly and outgoing type. But that’s part of the fun in it because it’s the perfect disguise for someone that may be so dangerous and deadly. It’s a part of the show that I do like since it lets us see things through the boys view of the world, and the situation they’re in and it adds a bit of humor. Even better is when Beel offers to go to the girl and to try and remove the pin to see if she really is a part of the group, which leads to some great physical comedy from the little guy.

The episode does have a fair bit of action to it as one of the guys that Oga and Furuichi knew back in middle school is actually one of Oga’s opponents. And he’s been causing some trouble as he beat the snot out of Kanzaki, not realizing that he was someone from a group that he knew in the past as well. The guy turns it into a big challenge by having everyone head out to the roof so they can all see the 6 Holy Knights take them down. There’s a growing resentment amongst the regular body of students when it comes to those that came from Ishiyama and even the most regular of students are now loudly pushing for them to be bullied and attacked in order to get them expelled. And that leads to a pretty solid fight on the rooftop, though it’s shorter than I would have cared for, but has some very good animation to it and a kind of casual style that just feels so right for these guys.

In Summary:
Beelzebub has been playing around a fair bit for the last few episodes with some fun stuff, but with the introduction of the 6 Holy Knights it’s getting ready to move on to some real fighting again. None of them are going to be the types that could really prove to be a serious challenge to Oga considering what he’s faced so far, but they’ll be a challenge in different ways. And he needs that to continuing growing as a badass, with or without Beel. Having Beel with him makes it a lot more fun though since the two have such a good relationship at this point and a certain level of trust as well. There is an edge of something more to all of this as well though, and that little tantalizing bit is more than enough to draw you back, especially as the fight here is simply a lot of fun.

Grade: B

Simulcast By: Crunchyroll

Review Equipment:
Sony KDS-R70XBR2 70″ LCoS 1080P HDTV, Dell 10.1 Netbook via HDMI set to 1080p, Onkyo TX-SR605 Receiver and Panasonic SB-TP20S Multi-Channel Speaker System With 100-Watt Subwoofer.

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